2024 Trends: Maverick Partners Digital Trends Report

2024 Trends: Maverick Partners Digital Trends Report


AI Integration

AI continues to be integrated into all aspects of our lives. From asking a smart speaker to play your favourite song to using a navigation app to find the quickest route to your destination, AI is quietly at work.

Let’s consider natural language processing (NLP for short) in AI. This is a fancy term for how computers understand human language. What does it mean for us? It means our machines can understand and respond to us just like a friend would. This technology is behind the chatbots and voice assistants, like Siri or Alexa, that you see on different devices. Moving forward, we can expect NLP to be used even more and help us communicate with computers in a truly conversational way.

Next, there’s computer vision. Imagine if a machine could ‘see’ and ‘understand’ images like we do. That’s basically what computer vision is. Does your smartphone camera identify faces when it chooses what to focus on? That’s computer vision at work. In the next year, the applications for computer vision – from facial recognition to autonomous vehicles – are expected to skyrocket. In everyday life, this technology can make it easier to identify objects and people in real-time.

We also have AI-driven decision-making. This is where AI uses data to make informed decisions. It’s like when Netflix suggests a movie you might like based on what you’ve already watched. For the end-user, this technology can speed up decision-making, making life easier and more efficient.

Sustainability in Tech

When we talk about sustainability in tech, we want to ensure the tech industry doesn’t harm our planet. As our world becomes increasingly more digital, the tech industry is growing. But this growth can sometimes lead to problems like pollution and waste. That’s where sustainability comes in.

Companies are now realising they have a responsibility to protect our environment. That’s why many are taking steps to reduce their impact. For example, they’re trying to use less energy in their data centres or to design more energy-efficient products. They’re also looking at how they can recycle or reuse old tech items instead of just tossing them in the bin.

But it doesn’t stop there. Innovators are coming up with new ways to make tech more earth-friendly. They’re developing solar-powered laptops and servers, gadgets made from recycled materials, and software that helps reduce paper waste.

The goal of all this? A greener digital footprint. This means the tech industry doesn’t leave a significant mark on our environment. It’s about making sure the digital world we love and rely on is also a world that our planet can sustain.

With more companies taking on corporate responsibility initiatives and committing to reducing their environmental impact, the future of tech is a future that is more conscious of the environment. 

Metaverse Evolution

Think of metaverse evolution as a digital universe, a new kind of internet where you’re inside and part of the action instead of just viewing content. This concept has existed for a while, typically in gaming and entertainment. But now, experts predict that the metaverse will expand beyond that.

What does this mean for you? Imagine shopping for clothes but, instead of scrolling through images, you’re walking through a digital store. Or think about attending a concert with people from around the globe without leaving your living room. That’s the power of the metaverse. We predict it will transform industries as it matures, changing how we interact with digital content.

However, this won’t be without its challenges. Data security, user privacy, and equitable access to technology will need to be addressed. But if we can navigate these hurdles, the metaverse could potentially revolutionise our digital experiences. It’s an exciting time to be part of the digital world.

Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency

Think about supply chain management. Here, blockchain can help track goods moving from the producer to the consumer. This means we can be confident about the quality and origin of our products. It’s like having a trusted colleague who monitors things for us and ensures we get the best deal.

In healthcare, blockchain can help ensure that our medical records are secure and unaltered while still accessible to authorised healthcare professionals when required. It’s like having a protective layer for your personal health information.

And let’s remember the new concept of decentralised finance, also known as DeFi. This allows for financial transactions outside of traditional banking systems, like borrowing, lending, and trading. It’s a bit like managing your own money – without needing a bank.

Extended Reality (XR)

When we talk about Extended Reality (XR), we refer to an excellent mix of technologies that blend our physical and virtual worlds. This might sound a bit like The Matrix but it’s becoming increasingly a part of our everyday lives. Two significant parts of XR are Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).

So, what’s the difference? Well, AR adds digital elements to our natural environment. Ever played Pokemon Go? That’s AR. VR, on the other hand, immerses you entirely in a different world. Think about those headsets that make you feel like you’re on a rollercoaster, even though you’re just sitting on your sofa. That’s VR.

You might be wondering how this tech applies to your life. Well, businesses are finding cool ways to use XR. For instance, home improvement stores often use AR to help you visualise how a new piece of furniture might look in your living room. And VR can assist employers in providing real-life training experiences without the cost or travel implications of actual physical training.

Even in schools, XR is making inroads. Imagine a history lesson where you can walk through ancient Rome or a chemistry class where you can interact with molecules. And consider healthcare. Doctors can use VR for virtual surgeries for training or AR to overlay vital data during a procedure. It’s like having X-ray vision. This ensures patients receive the best possible care.

Through XR, the world is becoming more accessible and immersive, allowing everyone to learn, grow, and experience things that were once only possible in our imaginations.

Edge Computing

Edge computing helps speed things up. We all know how frustrating it is when a video buffers or an app loads slowly. Edge computing aims to solve this by minimising the distance data travels, leading to faster processing times and less waiting around.

Next up is safety. When data doesn’t have to travel far, there’s less chance of it getting lost, stolen or corrupted along the way. So, edge computing can help make your data more secure.

And finally, smart devices. You’ve probably heard about the Internet of Things (IoT). It’s all those devices like smart thermostats, fitness trackers, and even fridges connected to the internet. As we use more IoT devices, we create more data. Edge computing helps handle this data more efficiently, so your smart fridge can tell you when you’re out of milk without missing a beat.

So, in a nutshell, the rise of edge computing could mean a future where our digital lives are faster, safer, and wiser. 


Looking forward to 2024, technology isn’t just about creating new gadgets or services. It’s about improving how we handle data, keep it secure, and use it to improve our everyday lives. 

With the above trends in mind, staying on top of the newest innovations in technology is critical.

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