Atomic Design: What Is It? How Do You Build a Design System With It?

Atomic Design: What Is It? How Do You Build a Design System With It?


Atomic design is a methodology that breaks down UI design into its most basic components, such as atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages, for effortless customisation and scalability. 

In this blog post, we’ll break down what atomic design is and how you can use it to create a design system that will streamline your UI design process.

Identifying the Atoms

The first step of atomic design is identifying the atoms, which are the foundations of your design. Atoms contain essential UI elements such as text, buttons, icons, or input fields.

Creating Molecules

Once you have created your atoms library, you can group them to form molecules, a combination of atoms with a specific function and purpose. 

For instance, a search bar might contain a text input field and a search icon molecule. Molecules will form the building blocks of your organisms, which are a collection of different molecules in a well-defined structure. Organisms are unique because they can appear on your website or application in multiple locations and contexts.

In experience design (XD), having a clear hierarchy of atoms, molecules, and organisms is essential for creating an intuitive user experience. 


The atomic design process then moves onto templates. These are the general wireframes of your UI design, which you can use to create multiple pages and screens. Templates determine how organisms are placed in your design and facilitate the creation of a user interface (UI) that is both visually and structurally consistent. Building templates before creating your pages will result in a cleaner and more efficient design process by reducing the number of repetitive tasks.

Building Your Pages

The final step of atomic design success is building your pages. This is where your customised templates come together to create a cohesive design. Since you already have your atoms, molecules, organisms, and templates documented, creating pages should be streamlined and straightforward.

The Importance of Documentation and Guidelines

Documentation and guidelines are critical components of atomic design. Ensure you document your atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and guidelines to ensure consistency and uniformity across your project. Developers and other designers must understand your design system to use and develop it in different contexts. 

Documenting the design system helps to establish a common language between stakeholders and increases understanding. Furthermore, it ensures that all components are included in the system and can aid in debugging any issues. 

Finally, guidelines give users an understanding of how and when to use each element within your design system. Guidelines help create a unified user experience while ensuring the design system remains consistent. Documenting your design system also allows for easier maintenance and scalability over time, as changes can be quickly implemented and tracked with a written record of the system’s components. Ultimately, documenting your design system ensures you have a well-defined foundation to build upon.


Whether creating a new design or updating an existing one, atomic design can enhance your workflow and design methodology. By dividing your UI design into reusable, modular components and templates, you can centralise and standardise your design system, resulting in consistent user experiences way faster with less effort. Incorporating atomic design into your workflow can help you save time and resources and improve your collaboration with other designers and developers. 

By following the five steps to atomic design success, you can improve your UI design process and create beautiful, scalable, well-structured applications or websites.

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